our phone number: ☎️ 07757119190 

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TEL: 07757119190 

E-mail: info@awbeautician.co.uk

AW Beautician - IPL/LASER - Radio Frequency Focus RF


RF is a device emitting electromagnetic waves of radio frequency, which is to produce a biological effect diathermy within the dermis. As a result of heat fibroblasts are stimulated to produce collagen, and collagen fibers are present regeneration, giving the effect of liftu skin.

Effects of treatments:

Reducing flabbiness

Improve the contours of your face

Lift drooping eyelids

Removal of shadows and bags under the eyes

Contraction hanging chin

Reduction of body fat around the chin

Flattening of scars

Body modeling

Reduction of cellulite and local fat tissue



Heart disease




Allergy skin

Heart failure

The golden thread


Operation of radio waves in the subcutaneous tissue will begin the process of thermal lipolysis by directly increasing the temperature of fat cells. Contribute to the removal of the excess in the form of fatty acids into the blood vessels and then to the muscles in order to be processed into energy (ie incineration). This treatment is effectively used for fat reduction, body shaping and cellulite reduction.

Treatments are pleasant for the customer, does not take much time (so-called treatments lunch), require no recovery time and can be performed 1-2 times a week.