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Can be used as a standalone therapy or as an adjunctive therapy to a wide variety of treatments, including aesthetic laser and IPL treatments, skin needling, deep peels and pre-& post plastic surgery.


Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT) with HEALITE II is a non-ablative skin surface treatment system that uses light delivered through light emitting diodes to deliver pure light in precise wavelengths for the treatment of acne, superficial skin lesions, relieving pain, promoting skin rejuvenation and more.

The LED Light can be used as a standalone therapy or as an adjunctive therapy to a wide variety of treatments, including aesthetic laser and IPL treatments, skin needling, deep peels and pre-& post plastic surgery. Each wavelength targets a variety of different indications. Patients of all ages and skin types can benefit from the pain free, thermal and easy to apply Healite treatments.

With the recommendation of your therapist/specialist, you can add the LED light therapy to your already existing treatments including Microdermabrasions, Laser skin rejuvenation, Laser genesis and more. Having a LED light therapy session after one of your treatments will only help enhance your results.

What does LED light therapy treat:

  • Skin Rejuvenation
  • Reducing fine lines and wrinkles
  • Active Acne
  • Superficial skin lesions
  • Optional infra-red light source can be used to improve local blood circulationOptional infra-red light source can be used to provide temporary relief of muscle and joint pain
  • Post Surgey
  • Wound healing

This treatment is painless, non-invasive, risk free, safe & effective for all skin types.